Last Chance to Sign Up For the 4/22 Retreat!

Originally Published April 13, 2023

Before each of our events, Laura and I love to revisit one of our favorite books - The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker. We read this book before our first virtual retreat in March 2021 and it completely revolutionized the way we thought about gathering, both virtually and online. Instead of gathering because of tradition or following societal customs around events, Parker's book challenged us to really question - why are we gathering? why now? why this specific community?

We held this adage from her book close to our hearts- β€œthe first step in convening people meaningfully: committing to a bold, sharp purpose.”

Two years later, our purpose still remains clear. We gather to create spaces of community and contemplation for women in healthcare. We know cannot do this work alone and we cannot do this work without honoring our humanity and the humanity of the people we serve.

For Laura and myself, we both have craved times throughout our clinical careers for the opportunity to be in community with other women in healthcare - to laugh, eat, celebrate, grieve with folks who understand the challenges and joys of our jobs. The opportunity to create those spaces is one of our greatest privileges and we are honored for each and everyone of you who is a part of our community!

How do you find space to gather and celebrate community? We'd love to hear from you.

With gratitude and love,

Anu & Laura

Our Deepest Gratitude to our Friends at Therapy Aid!

TherapyAid is an incredible organization dedicated to offering free & low cost therapy for US Healthcare Professionals and First Responders! We are so grateful for our dear friends at TherapyAid for sponsoring 5 Women in Healthcare in their community to attend our retreat! We couldn't do this work alone and are so grateful for the kindred spirits we've met along the way.

Please check out their amazing work and don't hesitate to reach out if you are looking for resources and mental health support!

Learn More About TherapyAid!




How do we Honor the Challenge of Compassion?